Some of our lab's awesome research assistants piloting a dyadic puzzle task while simultaneously recording physiological responses (ECG) and neural activation (hyper-scanning fNIRS). 

All Refereed Publications

*=equal contribution; +=graduate student

Carey, S., Ross, J.M., Abney, D.H., Balasubramaniam, R. (2024). Effects of auditory noise intensity and color on the dynamics of upright stance. Scientific Reports.

Borjon, J., Abney, D.H., Yu, C., Smith, L.B. (2024). Infant word productions coincide with body movements. Developmental Science. 

Abney, D.H., +Jerry, C., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2024). Look before you reach: Fixation-reach latency during pre-reach predicts reaching kinematics in infancy. Infancy. OSF

Bradshaw, J., Fu, X., Yurkovic-Harding, J., Abney, D.H. (2023). Infant embodied attention in context: Feasibility of home-based head-mounted eye tracking in early infancy. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Paper

Slone, L.K., Abney, D.H., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2023). The temporal structure of parent talk to toddlers about objects. Cognition. OSF

Haas, B. W., Abney, D.H., Erikson, K., Potter, J., & Gosling, S.D. (2023). Big-5 traits and cultural tightness-looseness links to person-culture personality fit: A large scale investigation across 57 nations. Social Psychological and Personality Science. PsyArXiv 

Nguyen, T., Bertenthal, B.I., Hoehl, S., Abney, D.H. Coupling between prefrontal brain activity and respiratory sinus arrhythmia in infants and adults. (2022). Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. OSF

Schwab, S.M., Carver, N.S., Forman, M., Abney, D.H., Davis, T.J., Riley, M.A., Paxton, A., Silva, P.L. (2022). Child-caregiver interactions during a collaborative motor task in children with cerebral palsy: A descriptive exploratory study. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities.  

Nguyen, T., Abney, D.H., Salamander, D., Bertenthal, B.I., Hoehl, S. (2021). Proximity and touch boost neural but not physiological synchrony in naturalistic mother-infant interactions: Evidence from multi-level hyperscanning. NeuroImage. OSF

*Abney, D.H., *daSilva, E., Bertenthal, B.I. (2021). Infants’ self-regulation is moderated by the synchrony between infants’ and mothers’ cardiac vagal tone. Developmental Psychobiology. OSF

Borjon, J.I., Abney, D.H., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2021). Head and eyes: Looking behavior in 12- to 24-month-old infants. Journal of Vision.

Bradshaw, J. & Abney, D.H. (2021). The role of infant vagal tone during social play and social withdrawal in the emergence of social-communication skills. Developmental Psychobiology.


Abney, D.H., daSilva, E., Lewis, G., Bertenthal, B.I. (2021) A method for measuring dynamic respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) in infants and mothers. Infant Behavior and Development. OSF

Abney, D.H., Paxton, A., Dale, R., & Kello, C.T. (2021). Cooperation in sound and motion: Complexity matching in collaborative interaction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. OSF Preprint

Nguyen, T., Abney, D.H., Bertenthal, B.I., Hoehl, S. (2021). Infants’ social communication from a predictive processing perspective. Proceedings of the 43th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Abney, D.H., Suanda, S.H., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2020). What are the building blocks of parent-infant coordinated attention in free-flowing interaction? Infancy. OSF Preprint

Schwab, S.M., Grover, F.M., Abney, D.H., Silva, P.L., Riley, M.A. (2020). Unpredictable task demands facilitate grip control in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy. Clinical Biomechanics. PDF

Xu, L., de Barbaro, K., Abney, D.H., Cox, R. (2020). Finding structure in time: Visualizing and analyzing behavioral time series. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology. PDF Github Repo

Karmazyn, H.R., Abney, D.H., Crandall, D., Yu, C., Smith, L.B. (2019). How do infants start learning object names in a sea of clutter? Proceedings of the 41th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF

*Borjon, J., *Abney, D.H., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2018). Developmentally changing attractor dynamics of manual actions with objects in late infancy. Complexity. Open Access Equal Contribution.

Abney, D.H., Dale, R., Louwerse, M.M., Kello, C. T. (2018). The bursts and lulls of multimodal interaction: Temporal distributions of behavior reveal differences between verbal and non-verbal communication. Cognitive Science. OSF PDF 

Abney, D.H., Karmazyn, H., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2018). Hand-eye coordination and visual attention in infancy. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF

Borjon, J., Schroer, S., Bambach, S., Slone, L., Abney, D.H., Crandall, D., Smith, L.B. (2018). Capturing the egocentric view of infants and toddlers with head-mounted cameras. Journal of Visualized Experiments. Open Access

Slone, L., Abney, D.H., Borjon, J., Chen, C., Franchak, J.M., Pearcy, D., Suarez-Rivera, C., Xu, L., Zhang, Y., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2018). Head-mounted Eye-tracking of Children’s Dynamic Visual Attention during Naturalistic Behavior. Journal of Visualized Experiments. Open Access

Jordan, J.S., Schloesser, D.S., Bai, J., Abney, D.H. (2018). Multi-scale contingencies during individual and joint action. Topics in Cognitive Science. PDF

Abney, D.H., Warlaumont, A. S., Oller D. K., Wallot, S., & Kello, C. T. (2017). Multiple coordination patterns in infant and adult vocalizations. Infancy. PDF

Abney, D.H., Smith, L.B., Yu, C. (2017). It’s Time: Quantifying the Relevant Timescales for Joint Attention. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF

Abney, D.H., Dale, R., Kello, C.T., Louwerse, M.M. (2017). Burstiness across multimodal human interaction reveals differences between verbal and non-verbal communication. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF

Wagman, J.B., Abney, D.H. & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2017). Second-order grasp planning reflects sensitivity to inertial factors. Human Movement Science. PDF

Xu, T. L., Abney, D.H., Yu, C. (2017). Discovering Multicausality in the Development of Coordinated Behavior. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. PDF

Abney, D.H., Kello, C. T., & Balasubramaniam, R. (2016). Introduction and Application to the Multiscale Coefficient of Variation Analysis. Behavior Research Methods. PDF

Ross, J.M., Warlaumont, A.S., Abney, D.H., Rigoli, L.M., Balasubramaniam, R. (2016). Influence of Musical Groove on Postural Sway. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. PDF

Bunce, J.P., Abney, D.H., Gordon, C.L., Spivey, M.J., & Scott, R.M. (2016). Using Motor Dynamics to Explore Real-time Competition in Cross-situational Word Learning: Evidence From Two Novel Paradigms. In J. Trueswell, A. Papafragou, D. Grodner, & D. Mirman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Bunce, J., Gordon, C., Abney, D.H., Fleming, M., Greenwood, M., Chiu, E., Spivey, M.J., Scott, R. (2016). Mouse Tracking Reveals Knowledge of Multiple Competing Referents During Cross-situational Word Learning. Boston University Conference on Language Development Proceedings. PDF

Abney, D.H. & Wagman, J.B., (2015). Direct learning in auditory perception: An information-space analysis of auditory perceptual learning of object length. Ecological Psychology. PDF

Abney, D.H., Kello, C.T., Warlaumont, A. S., (2015). Production and convergence of multiscale clustering in speech. Ecological Psychology. PDF

Abney, D.H., Paxton, A., Dale, R., & Kello, C.T. (2015). Movement dynamics reflect a functional role for weak coupling and role structure in dyadic problem solving. Cognitive Processing. PDF

Vinson, D.W., Abney, D.H., Amso, D., Anderson, M. L., Chemero, T., Cutting, J.E., Dale, R., Richardson, D., Friston, K., Gallagher, S., Jordan, J.S., Mudrik, L., Ondobaka, S., Shams, L., Shiffrar, M., & Spivey, M. (2015). Perception, as You Make It. Commentary on C. Firestone & B. Scholl’s “Cognition does not affect perception: Evaluating the evidence for ‘top-down’ effects”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Abney, D.H. & Thomas, B. (2015). Exploration in information space during affordance perception. In Weast-Knapp, J., Malone, M., & Abney, D.H. (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action XIII: Proceedings from the Eighteenth International Conference on Perception and Action. PDF

Schloesser, D.S., Wagman, J.B. & Abney, D.H. (2015). Flip this rod! Changing grasp position can recalibrate perception of length by dynamic touch. In Weast-Knapp, J., Malone, M., & Abney, D.H. (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action XIII: Proceedings from the Eighteenth International Conference on Perception and Action.

Weast-Knapp, J., Malone, M., Abney, D.H. (Eds) (2015). Studies in Perception and Action XIII. Proceedings from the Eighteenth International Conference on Perception and Action. Minneapolis, MN.

Abney, D.H., Paxton, A., Kello, C.T., & Dale, R. (2014). Complexity matching in dyadic conversation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. PDF

Abney, D.H., Dale, R., Yoshimi, J., Kello, C.T., Tylén, K., Fusaroli, R. (2014). Joint perceptual decision-making: A case study in explanatory pluralism. Frontiers in Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. [Research Topic: What levels of explanation in the behavioral sciences?] PDF

Abney, D.H., McBride, D.M., Conte, A., Vinson, D.W. (2014). Response dynamics in prospective memory. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review. PDF

Abney, D.H., Warlaumont, A. S., Haussmann, A., Ross, J., Wallot, S. (2014). Using nonlinear methods to quantify infant motor and vocal development. Frontiers in Developmental Psychology. [Research Topic: The development of auditory-motor coordination in infancy] PDF

Abney, D.H., Wagman, J.B., & Schneider, J. (2014). Changing grasp position on a wielded object provides self-training for perception of length. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. PDF

Vinson, D. W., & Abney, D.H., Matlock, T., Dale, R. (2014). High-Level context effects on spatial displacement: The effects of body orientation and language on memory. Frontiers in Cognitive Science. PDF

Paxton, A., Abney, D.H., Kello, C. K., & Dale, R. (2014). Network analysis of multimodal, multiscale coordination in dyadic problem solving. In P. Bello, M. Guarini, M. McShane & B. Scassellati (Eds.) Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Austin,TX: Cognitive Science Society. PDF

Abney, D.H., McBride, D.M., & Petrella, S.N. (2013). Interaction Effects of Transfer-Appropriate Processing for Event-Based Prospective Memory. Memory & Cognition. PDF

Wagman, J.B. & Abney, D.H. (2013). Is calibration of the perception of length modality-independent? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. PDF

Abney, D.H., Paxton, A., Kello, C., & Dale, R. (2013). Complexity matching in dyadic interactions. In P. Passos, J. Barrieros, R. Cordovil, D. Araujo, & F. Melo (Eds.), Studies in Perception and Action XII: Proceedings from the Seventeenth International Conference on Perception and Action.

McBride, D.M. & Abney, D.H. (2012). A comparison of transfer-appropriate processing and multi-process frameworks for prospective memory performance. Experimental Psychology. PDF

Wagman, J.B. & Abney, D.H. (2012). Transfer of recalibration from audition to touch: Modality independence as a special case of anatomical independence. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. PDF

McBride, D.M., Beckner, J., Abney, D.H. (2011). Effect of placement of prospective memory cues in an ongoing task on prospective memory task performance. Memory & Cognition. PDF